Otley Badminton Club New Season 2018-19
Post date: Aug 30, 2018 12:12:58 PM
Dear Otley Badminton Club Member
Welcome back! Our 2018-19 season is about to get underway. The first social play session is on Monday 3 rd September, from 7.30 – 9.45pm at Prince Henry’s Grammar School. Timings for this season’s sessions are the same as last year:
Mondays 7.30 – 9.45pm Fridays 7.00 – 9.15pm
Junior Coaching Sessions: Fridays 6.00 – 7.00pm
Junior Coaching Sessions: Saturdays 9.15 – 10.45am
Dates of sessions for the whole season are shown below, including those when there are no sessions due to school holidays or a school event. The school has provided us with extra sessions on the Mondays of October and February half-terms this year, bringing the total number of sessions to 54 over the whole season.
Monday 3rd September – Monday 29th October
Monday 5th November – Monday 17th
Monday 7th January (American Tournament) – Monday 25th February
Monday 25th February – Friday 29th March
15th April and Friday 26th April (final session)
No sessions
Monday 1st October (School Open Evening), Saturday 27th October and Friday 2nd and Saturday 3 rd November (Half-term holiday)
December Friday 21st December – Saturday 5th January (Christmas holiday)
Saturday 16th , Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd February (Half-term holiday)
Saturday 30th March – Saturday 13th April (Easter holidays) Monday
Friday 19th and Monday 22nd April (Easter weekend)
The subscription fee for the season has been fixed again and will be £110 for Seniors and £55 for Juniors. Full payment of subscriptions is due by Friday 28th September. Any member from 2017/18 season not paying by this time will be deemed to have lapsed their membership, unless special arrangements have been made with our Treasurer, David Clegg. Please pay fees, ideally by bank transfer or alternatively to David by cheque (made payable to Otley Badminton Club) or cash.
Match fees for this season will be £4.00 per match (seniors and juniors) both home and away. Visitor’s fees will be £5 per night (£3 for juniors). To ensure our records are up to date and that all members receive club communications, please let me know of any changes to your contact details as soon as possible. Please be aware that your contact details will be available to other committee members and team captains. Personal information is also shared with Badminton England, for registration and insurance purposes. Personal details are never shared with anyone else.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. A reminder that the Club’s website is www.otleybadminton.co.uk and you can also find us on Facebook.
I look forward to seeing you in September!
David Robson
Club Secretary